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Some Death
Some Death

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Some Death
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Дата: 25.01.2012 22:04
Скачиваний: 1
Рейтинг: 5.00 (7 голосов)
Размер файла: 102.4 KB
Кем добавлено: iXe

Автор: Комментарий:

Дата вступления: 15.06.2009
Комментарии: 583

оч нравится. 5
27.01.2012 18:01 Offline Nukem

Дата вступления: 23.09.2015
Комментарии: 1
These books tell the stories of the results

Some people, technologically-trained people, might find that information easiest to http://www.rsgaming.com/ convey and to remember with things like tables and charts. But tutorials and how-tos for a variety of visual and information-display fields like cartography, scientific mapping or data display all stress the importance of narrative or a story in these kinds of works. In a way, these books tell the stories of the results of the experimentation that is the mining and crafting and adventuring through the systems of Minecraft.Scientific experimentation is about finding things that happen irrespective of their context. A simplification: two chemicals react a certain way. When a third chemical is present, they react a different way. That third chemical can be part of the interaction being studied or it can be part of the context of the two-chemical interaction that needs to be removed; it all depends on what level you're looking at. Laboratory architecture and technology aimed at minimizing and containing contamination is physical context control.The idea being that if you can get things to happen consistently outside of all context then you have isolated some inherent Truth. Then, when you translate that Truth back into different contexts you can classify what happens in addition to that Truth as a Side Effect, thereby preserving the context-free Truth (itself a product of a specific laboratory context) as the important thing.That ability of something to have other applications is a sign of its value. So someone's obsession with playing baseball is more acceptable than someone's obsession with playing a videogame if the former is seen as having Other Uses (health benefits, social benefits) while the latter is not.This marker of value motivates every conversation about what we can learn from Runescape games or why you should put your guild leadership on a resume. Every accusation of Runescape games being a waste of time AND the argument that they are not because, Mom and Dad, they teach valuable skills ok I don't want to go outside!Writing these books off as merely a cynical cash-in is tempting, but it's too easy. They can translate the act of playing a game into a narrative form, maybe acting as a justification for why the Runescape games are played in the first place.
23.09.2015 11:08 Offline rousutt

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